Tuesday, December 27, 2022

December 30th: Results

Weather: Blustery and cold, with clear blue skies, and scattered heavy snows

No deliveries today, but the Dread Lord is content - his coffers are full and his orc forces are whipped into a fine frenzy

Random Encounters

Both of Sivor Khalid's forces are hit by human witchfinders - more of those crusaders who have taken up residence in nearby villages.  The warg riders have no witches with them, and are left unmolested.  The main force of Sivor's orcs does have a spellcaster, whom the crusaders attack on site.  Though the crusaders are outnumbered two-to-one, they fight well and Sivor is forced to retreat one hex, leaving 10HD worth of orcs rotting in the fields behind.


A massive orc force sweeps through the northwest suburb including Khaleb Ghines' force.  They meet no resistance and do not pause to loot.

[Note: Khaleb Ghines cannot raid today as he is still reorganizing his captives and treasure from yesterday.  The other two orc leaders could, but they have a bigger squig to fry.]

Kor Torrigan Raids


Goblintown Raids


Nirumbee Encounters


Map Moves

Once again, the Stone Portal is the site of a terrible battle.  The place must be cursed.

Hollyfelled, seeing a slim chance of grasping victory, launches a desperate plan.  Yesterday, his forces rode south with Porcus Orcus toward the portal.  Today, as the forces make ready to use the portal, Hollyfelled's shaman summons forth a terrific blizzard that stops all movement of the wagons.  Amid white-out conditions, Hollyfelled's orcs fall upon their allies, but Porcus Orcus is no fool - he was prepared for such treachery.

Hollyfelled's force of 380HD attacks Porcus Force's 920HD, leading to a roll on the 1:2 table.  This should have been an even fight, but Hollyfelled's expected ally never shows up.  The result is a 6, the best he could have hoped for.  Porcus manages to free his wagons and cut his way clear of the fight and the blizzard.  He makes his way back north to the ruins of Grimdark Morbad's home hex.

Hollyfelled gathers his forces after Porcus is gone, and finds himself 10HD worth of orcs lighter.

[Note: going by the CRT table, the enemy - in this case Porcus - has to retreat.  That takes precedence over the weather spell, and it allows Hollyfelled at least a partial success for his trouble.] 


Porcus Orcus: 156 points

Klon Grushnag: 79 points

Grimdark Morbad: 61 points

Khaleb Ghines: 61 points

Kul of the Dripping Blades: 54 points

Hollyfelled: 54 points

Garek Bloodtide: 53 points

Sivor Khalid: 45 points

Lorem Ipsum: 38 points

Kris Karnhell: 34 points

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